Principle Based Practice
Enviros’ Principle Based Practice is a model that utilizes principles to guide and drive action in practice, a decision-making tool in our interventions addressing critical areas of need, and the foundational structure of support for the crucial work we do incorporating strengths and culture into our day-to-day interactions. This model utilizes core principles to ensure a holistic approach is taken when supporting people. It ensures there is direction from the person served and an integrated planning mechanism where natural supports are present. This practice supports individuals to reach their vision for themselves and reduce reliance on systems.
Enviros developed our principles to reach across the organization and to be applicable in all areas of our service delivery continuum. They represent our core beliefs in supporting people. The definition and resulting action of principles are interwoven into the therapeutic models in each program and create a basis for implementation of other leading practices.

About Our Coach
Brandi Perron, Principle Based Practitioner
We are creating a shared language that governs how we want to practice and be seen in our community.

I came to Enviros 3 years ago to be a part of their High fidelity Wraparound program and it was defunded just 5 months later. Enviros recognized that the principle based practice of Wraparound was very valuable to the agency and without the program, there was no guiding light to anchor that best practice so they decided to implement a new role called Principle Based Practitioner/Coach. I was the lucky candidate that got to support the agency in this evolution of practice – helping to define and implement a principle based framework across the agency. What a ride it has been converging with a worldwide pandemic at the beginning of this role! But as is the norm at Enviros, everyone pulled together to create new ways of communicating and learning and the 9 functional principles of Enviros were born. The last two years have been a process of creating awareness and a new way of implementing reflective practice across all of our programs. We are creating a shared language that governs how we want to practice and be seen in our community. Being a part of this process is a dream come true for me, having spent the better part of 15 years as a part of High Fidelity Wraparound and having no way to dismiss the tried and true format that Wraparound brought to the sector and my own practice. Heartbreak to opportunity – I am so grateful to have this opportunity to train and learn from every single person in this agency. It’s been an honor to be so deeply entrenched in an agency I trust and admire for their grassroots approach. When I am not enthusiastically working with principles or PBP as it has come to be affectionately known, I am outside playing in the snow or the water. The wilderness component of Enviros caught my eye for so many reasons but being encouraged to be out in it, was definitely one of my favorite reasons for being here!